00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
I'm so glad you’re here to join my Free 3 Day "$10k in 10 Weeks" Workshop for Coaches running November 29th-December 1st.

Over the years, I've taught hundreds of coaches how to grow a successful $10k/month business from NOTHING. 

Many of them were brand new to the industry, and had never made a dollar as a coach before. 

These are a few of the most common things that held them back: 
1 - They have no idea who their perfect client is. 
2 - They have no idea how to get them to start following them on social media and how to engage with them 
3 - They have no idea how to get them onto a phone call to chat 
4 – They have no idea what to say to them once they do get them onto a call 
5 – They don’t know what to offer that person and how to build a program for them… basically they have no idea how to turn that person from not knowing who they are, to follower to paid coaching client. 

Since I've seen so many people struggle with these EXACT issues I'm going to teach you how to overcome them.

I'll equip you with a system to go from unknown coach with no experience, to a recognized expert with paid coaching clients.

Keep growing,
- Rob Dial
P.S. Keep on reading to find out exactly what the 3 Days are going to look like and what we’re going to cover
How to
A $10,000
Walk away from this FREE 3 day event with the keys to unlock a better life!

This is specifically designed to help you go from where you are right now, to where you want to be.

We'll begin by diving deep on who we are in order to discover what we truly want. 

Using what we learn, I'll guide you through the process of gaining clarity on where you're going next. 

Once your vision for the future is clear, we'll explore exactly how to become the person you need to be to achieve that goal. 

The question you need to always be asking yourself is: "Who do I need to be to get where I want to go?"

By the time these 3 days are over, you'll have everything you need to confidently create the life of your dreams.

Registration is limited so sign up now to lock in your spot!

-Rob Dial

Event Details:

Nov 29th - Dec 1st

@ 7:00PM EST / 4:00PM PST 

Rob Dial

Author, Speaker, Coach
I'm so glad you’re here to join my Free 3 Day "$10k in 10 Weeks" Workshop for Coaches running November 29th-December 1st.

Over the years, I've taught hundreds of coaches how to grow a successful 10k/month business from NOTHING. 

Many of them were brand new to the industry, and had never made a dollar as a coach before. 

These are a few of the most common things that held them back: 
1 - They have no idea who their perfect client is. 
2 - They have no idea how to get them to start following them on social media and how to engage with them 
3 - They have no idea how to get them onto a phone call to chat 
4 – They have no idea what to say to them once they do get them onto a call 
5 – They don’t know what to offer that person and how to build a program for them… basically they have no idea how to turn that person from not knowing who they are, to follower to paid coaching client. 

Since I've seen so many people struggle with these EXACT issues I'm going to teach you how to overcome them.

I'll equip you with a system to go from unknown coach with no experience, to a recognized expert with paid coaching clients.

Keep growing,
- Rob Dial
P.S. Keep on reading to find out exactly what the 3 Days are going to look like and what we’re going to cover
What You'll Learn During This Live Event:
What You'll Learn During This Live Event:
Day 1:
Perfect Client
On Day 1 you and I are going to get really clear on who your perfect client is so that you can serve them at the highest level. When you know who your perfect client is, then it makes it super easy to figure out what that person needs to be coached on, what they need from you and HOW to coach them. It also makes it so much easier to find that person and engage with them on social media and how to create content that they would enjoy that would attract them.
Day 2:
Program & Enrollment Day
I know you have a lot of questions about where to start. Do you start with 1 on 1 coaching? Do you start with group coaching? Do you start with courses? Do you do all of them? These are all typical questions when starting a coaching business, that’s why on day 2 I am going to teach you the easiest and most profitable coaching system that you should implement from day 1. That way you make the most money and the biggest impact on your clients lives from the start. And make a program that is so perfect for someone that enrolling them into your program is easy and you don’t have to be high pressured and pushy but you can be very low key and laid back.
Day 3:
Social Media
How do you go from unknown coach to trusted coach with your perfect clients? This is what we will be covering in day 3. I have built a following of over 3 million followers between FB and IG and over 1.5 Billion video views and I have a podcast called the Mindset Mentor that has almost 100M downloads, so I know quite a bit about growing a social media following and I’m going to teach you  Day 3 is all about how to find and attract your perfect clients so that they start following you, consume your content and start trusting you before you ever even talk to them.

See What People Have To Say About Past Workshops w/Rob!

Will This Really Help Me Start A Business?
Over the course of the past 10+ years I've helped hundreds of coaches from around the world transform their lives, grow their businesses and impact more people using the same exact strategies I will be teaching you during this 4 day live event. 

These tried and true methods for attracting followers and converting them into clients have worked time and time again, and I'm confident that they can help you too (scroll down and checkout the testimonials to see what I'm talking about).

...BUT here's the thing. 


That's right, you're only going to get as much out of the challenge as you put in. I only want you to sign up if you're willing to treat this opportunity with the respect it deserves by giving 100% effort. 

Don't worry, I won't be asking for a lot from you! 

In fact, you only need to dedicate about an hour per day (for just 4 days) in order to learn everything you need to know to start growing your business faster and easier than ever before.

Here's a breakdown of exactly what that means for you:
1. Show up to the daily live sessions ready to take notes, learn and interact 
2. Do the daily assignments to the best of your ability 
3. Meditate and reflect on what you learned for at least 15 minutes each day

If you follow that simple formula and put 100% effort into each area of the challenge, there's absolutely no way that you can fail, because the only goal is to learn and improve as a coach.

If you're still reading this and you haven't made up your mind yet, I'd urge you to stop overthinking and just go for it! You've got nothing to loose but a few minutes of time, and the payoff is priceless. 

So get off the fence and go sign up right now so we can work together to make your impact bigger than ever before!

I'll see you inside the private challenge FB group. 

Keep growing,
- Rob Dial
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time will I need to dedicate every day?
On average you shouldn't need to spend more than an hour a day working on the challenge. We've specifically designed it for busy people with complex schedules. Everything is able to be done on your own times if necessary, although we encourage you to show up to as many live sessions as possible in order to interact w/Rob. 
Why would you do something like this for free?
I've spent years creating content on my podcasts, video content and social media platforms and this is simply another way for me to give back to my audience. I'm dedicated to helping you grow into a better, stronger and more capable person and I believe that this is the best way I can do that. I truly hope you take this opportunity to join me. 
How do you know that this will work for my business?
Over the past 10+ years I have had the privilege of personally working with tens of thousands of people and I've learned something amazing. Although we are all individuals, most of us struggle with the same things. I've identified the most universal roadblocks to personal success and created the shortest possible path to a solution. 
On average you shouldn't need to spend more than an hour a day. We've specifically designed it for busy people with complex schedules. Everything is able to be done on your own times if necessary, although we encourage you to show up to as many live sessions as possible in order to interact w/Rob. 
I've spent years creating content on my podcasts, video content and social media platforms and this is simply another way for me to give back to the coaches in my audience. I'm dedicated to helping you grow into a better, stronger and more capable coach and business person and I believe this is the best way to do that.
Over the past 10+ years I have had the privilege of personally working with thousands of coaches and I've learned something amazing. Although we are all individuals, most of us struggle with the same things. I've identified the most universal roadblocks to success in coaching and created the shortest possible path to a solution. 
Am I too old/young to join this event?
There is no age limit to self improvement. No matter how old you are this challenge can and will help you improve your ability to do massive things in this world. Young or old this challenge is worth your time if you're willing to put in the effort.

Will Rob be leading the event himself?
Yes, I will be leading the challenge myself each and every day! I'll be going live at 7pm EST / 4pm PST for 30 minutes or less in order to make this as convenient as possible for everyone. The more live sessions the more we can hang out, so make sure to set aside the time if possible
After the event can I still get support?
Yes, I offer many additional forms of training and mentorship. My team and I are always willing to help if you're interested in joining one of our year round programs. Simply send an email to and as to schedule a discovery call to find out which program is right for you!
There is no age limit to self improvement. No matter how old you are this workshop can and will help you improve your ability to do massive things in this world. Young or old this challenge is worth your time if you want to be a coach and you are willing to put in the effort.

Yes, I will be leading the challenge myself each and every day! I'll be going live at 4pm EST / 1pm PST for 30 minutes or less in order to make this as convenient as possible for everyone. The more live's you show up to, the more you can learn and ask questions, so make sure to set aside the time if possible.
Yes, I offer many additional forms of training and mentorship. My team and I are always willing to help if you're interested in joining one of our year round programs. Simply send an email to and as to schedule a discovery call to find out which program is right for you!
The Bottom Line
Feeling Uninspired?
Many of us go through our days feeling as though something is missing... as though we are not living life to the fullest.

The work we were once so passionate about looses it's ability to captivate us.

We find ourselves lacking motivation and energy when we need and want it most.

We find ourselves being slowly crushed by the weight and stresses of day-to-day operations.

We begin to procrastinate on growing the business and instead focus on accomplishing trivial tasks... 

Sound familiar? 

...Well don't worry, because you're not alone. 

Each and every coach in the world has gone through this.

In my experience this problem is easier to fix than you might imagine.

What you need, is to reconnect to your purpose, clarify your vision and create a plan
 to achieve it.

During this workshop I will show you exactly how to that in just 4 days.

By the end of this, you'll not only feel inspired, you'll also know exactly what you need to do make your life vision into a reality.

Click on the button below to register for free right now!

See What People Have To Say About Past Workshops w/Rob!

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